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Thursday, April 18, 2013

FIELDS: Deep in the shallows of the '60s

... that suits American taste. James Walton , writing in the London Telegraph, discovers that the suburban town of Ossining, N.Y., where Draper in early episodes tucked away his family, was the home of John Cheever , and riffs how Cheever was "The ...

via Ossining Newswire http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/apr/18/deep-in-the-shallows-of-the-60s/?

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Ossining, New York, United States
Welcome to 365 Ossining. We are a bilingual, website with issues of interest to the Hispanic community in Ossining. We are afiliated with El Aguila which is published every fifteen days, always on a Wednesday.

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