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Monday, November 3, 2014

Maryknoll Society Elects New Leadership; The Maryknoll Fathers and...

Contact: Mike Virgintino, Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers , 914-941-7636 ext 2219 MARYKNOLL, N.Y., Nov. 3, 2014 / Christian Newswire / -- Representatives to the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers 13th General Chapter held at the Maryknoll Mission Center in Ossining, New York, have elected the Maryknoll Society's new leadership for a term of six years through 2020. Father Raymond J. Finch, a 38-year missioner who has served throughout Latin America, has been elected Maryknoll Superior General.

via Ossining Newswire http://ift.tt/1ungS5D

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